Thursday, 13 June 2013

reminders on a string

tidying is never ending it would seem but occasionally you find a gem, this 'to do' string must be at least 15 year old, from another life it would seem, the one where i made/had the time to doodle.

there are a more than a few common sayings floating around but they always ring true, a life time ago and today

they are

love and enjoy that you can
find a team
(the tick)
one of those creatures they describe as awkward on land
don't say it
grow your seeds
don't carry what is not yours
what i should do and what i will do are the same thing
some people dream, some people do
get there any way
guide to the best life (five stars apparently)
grow with friends together

they are

ask again
know what is right
don't say it again
grow your seeds
the airport check
should and will....
kill the monster while it is small
few do both
this way    get there
if i always do what i have always done............
hugs, kisses, warmth, comfort

it is nice to feel like i have come along way and practice many of these things without the reminder these days.......but yes a few still need work.......time to cut the string shorter

Sunday, 2 June 2013

excuse my keeping house..

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just doing the bloglovin thing. enjoy my happy list