Sunday, 16 September 2012

have some crafternoon tea

miss yoyo meets master magnet

for these little ones to pep up the mundane or gleeful things that end up on your fridge

you will need:
  • scissors
  • thread 
  • fine sewing needle
  • cotton fabric scraps
  • yoyo maker or template
  • magnets 

notes before you get to excited

for the yoyo magnets i used
clover 30 mm yoyo maker with 20 mm diameter magnets
clover 45 mm yoyo maker with 30 mm x 20 mm rectangular magnets
clover does have a larger size again and if you were planning to go jumbo i would suggest not only a larger magnet but also inserting a disk of card or plastic to help support the yoyo.

i picked up my magnets from a dollar kind of store and they came free with soot, dust and muck, give your magnets a little washing with some dish liquid before you start 

yoyo do really take very little fabric so considering most fabric stores cut minimum 20 cm lenghts you could consider choosing a charm pack or other quilting fabric set to get a mix of fabric if you are not hording your scraps in a draw like myself.  also there are a few crafters out there who sell there designer scraps by the bag or weight which is another avenue to build a stash for mini projects

and on fabric keep in mind large prints and patterns get lost on a yoyo.  i find that stripes are particularly suited to these addictive little circles

after that it is all pretty easy

fabric plus yoyo maker, needle, thread and go (the clover instructions are very clear if you have one) 
the main point is to place your magnet in the center of your fabric after your running stitch is completed.  then enclose it in the fabric and tie it off.  i chose to put a few extra stitches across the pleats to add a little durability when it is being pinched on and off.

i have a little selection of the clover brand yoyo makers, they are reasonably inexpensive, a cinch to use and easy to get a hold of, if i had any young girls to buy for i would be thinking a little swag of fabric and a few of these would make a lovely little present.....i digress

hopefully you now have something sweet to keep or to gift, most likely you have enjoyed these wee things more than you thought and have so many you are forced to give them away

sadly it would seem i am not the first to put these two things together but i do hope you enjoyed my take on it

a little fridge humour, sorry i could not resist........late in the day, the littles are sleeping and the sun is fading

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